The medial collateral ligament (MCL) connects the femur to the tibia and prevents the leg from over-extending inward. It also helps stabilize the knee and allows it to rotate.
What causes an MCL Injury?
MCL injuries are often a result of being hit forcefully on the outside of the knee. Another cause is repeated stress, where an MCL will lose elasticity, like a worn-out rubber band.
How do you know you have an MCL Injury?
Symptoms of an MCL injury include:
- Pain or tenderness along the inside of the knee
- Knee swelling
- Knee stiffness
- Knee instability
How does OSI fix an MCL Injury?
A board-certified orthopedic surgeon will examine you for signs and symptoms of an MCL injury. One or more of the following may be employed to confirm the MCL injury and aid in deciding the most effective MCL injury treatment:
- Physical exam: Your doctor will discuss your symptoms and general medical history, then check the structures of the injured knee.
- X-rays: X-rays can reveal the presence of an associated fracture.
- MRI: An MRI can better show the location and severity of a tear.
Nonsurgical Treatment
MCL injuries seldom require surgery: Conservative treatments include:
- Icing
- Bracing
- Physical therapy
Surgical Treatment
Your OSI physician may recommend surgery if the MCL injury is severe or associated with other ligament injuries.