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(920) 560-1000

Hand & Wrist

Joel Novitske
OSI Patient

Our hands and wrists connect us to the world. Orthopedic & Sports Institute makes sure you don’t lose touch.

It’s funny how we don’t really pay attention to our hands when we’re holding a pen, opening a car door, swinging a racquet or lifting a grandchild – until there is pain. Then, every movement requiring normal hand and wrist function becomes an immediate reminder of how much we depend on them. 

Whether dealing with a chronic, painful condition or an unexpected injury, you want increased function and decreased pain. The Orthopedic & Sports Institute specialists provide customized treatments that combine the most proven and innovative methods for both common and complex hand and wrist issues. OSI offers the very best care, hands down.

Common conditions we treat


OSI hand and wrist specialist

Dr. Ken Schaufelberger