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3 Things to do Before Hip Replacement Surgery

Anyone who has decided to have hip replacement will benefit by preparing beforehand. There are many things an individual can do to ensure that they heal properly and that their surgery is a success.

Here are three things an individual can do before their surgery in order to make their recovery easier.

1.Learn the Physiotherapy Exercises

It is very important that a person goes through physiotherapy in order to heal properly. It is a smart idea to go to the sessions before the surgery to learn the exercises so that it will be much easier to do them after the replacement occurs.

2.Make a List of Questions

One will probably have a lot of questions in mind when they are about to go through this procedure. When the time comes, however, it can be very easy to forget what a person wanted to ask. It is a good idea to jot down a list of important questions such as dietary changes and how long the recovery may be so that a person does not forget to ask anything.

Hip replacement is no small thing, and a person should not take it lightly. They should be well informed about the lifestyle changes they can expect during the recovery period.

3.Make Accommodations

Individuals will need assistance from family and friends to help them around the house, help them eat on time, and get their exercises done. They should make sure they ask their family and friends beforehand to come and help them so that they can arrange their schedules to ensure the proper assistance is provided.

How Can We Help?

Request a consultation with one of the hip specialists at the Orthopedic & Sports Institute. Call (920) 560-1000 or request an appointment online. OSI offers anteriorposterior, and robotic surgical options for the treatment of hip pain. Do your homework, talk to friends and family members, neighbors and colleagues, to out the procedure that is just right for you.

OSI has convenient locations to serve you. The campus in Appleton includes clinics, a surgery center, MRI, physical therapy, and a skilled nursing facility, as well as a walk-in clinic that provides care for new orthopedic injuries.

OSI has outreach clinics in New London, Ripon, Shawano, Waupaca, and the newest location serving the Green Bay area, inside the NOVO Health Clinic in De Pere.

OSI is a proud member of NOVO Health.